Well this week has been crazy just like all the other weeks haha. I was suddenly moved out of Camaçari on tuesday becasue i had to go have an MRI and my Sister Lund was going home. I cried and cried when i had to say goodbye to sister Lund because she had literally been such an angel and pretty much my mom for the past 4 weeks. But I'm happy she's home with her family and ill see her in a year and a half. But So my new area is Salvador Cabula! Im right in the city and its way cool here. At first it was really hard because i loved Camaçari so much and i didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to anyone there. But like I talked about last week i am trying to trust more in god and his plan for me and it always ends up being ok. hopefully i will get to serve in Camaçari again someday though!
So i live with 4 other sisters right now..sister Hamblin my old mtc comp, sister gonzalez from mexico, sister Rhodes from guatemala, sister Tembe from mozambique, and my new companion sister Nogal from Sao Paolo. I LOVE sister Nogal. she calls me gatinho which means kitten because she says thats what i look like haha. Its super fun living with all of them.
I love the area and the members and things are super good right now! But so far the mission has been a rollercoaster of emotions so we will see what happens next haha. Ohh and the MRI was scary but everything is fine and i just have to see a physical therapist for a little while. Conquering all the fears here in Brazil mom!!
we had a baptism this week forr maria eduarda! she is 11 and so so cool. her brother is a member but her parents aren't. Her brother has been a huge example for her and so she was baptized by him on Saturday! It was so awesome. She is very smart and so full of the spirit and im just so happy for her and her family. Her dad didnt come to her baptism which was really sad and hard for her but we are going to keep teaching them and hopéfully the parents will accept baptism as well. They are an awwesome family.
Today for pday we went to Pelorinho and im in love with it!! Its the pictures that you see when you type in salvador on the computer. Its seriously beautiful and theres cobblestone streets and people dancing and coconuts and cool chapels and the ocean and uggghhhh HEAVEN for me. Such a cool place.
I can't even express the love I have felt from my heavenly father the past few days as well. I have struggled alot since I had to go to the hospital because I just couldn't understand why these things would happen especially while I'm serving a mission. But like I've said before I have never had to rely on heavenly father in the ways I have had to here. There are just moments of such loneliness and nervousness and anxiety that i have never felt before. But i have no other option other than to get on my knees and pray. And you know what? Help always always comes and the hard days always pass. I am so lucky that i get to be here and i get to see peoples lives change for the better because of this gospel. i especially love the things we get to teach about this time of year because its all about joy and happiness and Jesus Christ. Even though it doesnt feel like christmas at all here haha i still love the spirit of christmas that i can feel. But its gonna be a hot christmas and thats for sure haha.
The people here are amazing and humble and so accepting of our message. They love god. The food is so good. There are monkeys! I still get lots of stares bercause of my glowing whiteness and everyone thinks im from europe and tell me my cheeks are very red haha. But hey its a good conversation starter.
I am so sure that god loves us and that jesus christ is our savior and that he died so that we could live and he suffered so that we could repent and return back home someday. I know that he sends us help and angels every day if we ask and if we have faith. I know that hard times always pass and im learning that attitude and state of mind have such a huge impact on how our days are. We canchoose to be happy if we want to be. it can be tough though. I am learning to that work really is the remedy for any kind of sadness or anxiety or whatever. Getting up and going to work and focusing on other peoples needs instead of our own is the best thing we can do when we are feeling down. Again its not easy to do but its possible and it really works.
I just am trying to remember these things every day. I am so glad that i get to be a missionary. Im so happy i get to serve here in brazil. I miss home some days but i am really trying to make this my home and these people my family for the next little while. I am so excited to skype you family on christmas!! i will proabbly cry the whole time but im so happy to see your faces!!
I love this gospel i love you all and all the support i receive every day. I am so lucky to have such awesome examples and friends back home.
Ohh funny story the other night we were all talking about where is one place you want to visit most in the world and we get to sister tembe (from africa) and she says ventura california. hahaha and i was like sister tembe, thats where i live! haha so funny. She really likes surfing so i told her one day she can come visit me and go surfing in Ventura.
Ok i love you all!! tchau tchau
sister lytle
Enjoy the view.
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