Sao Paulo
Miss that cute face!
*Sao Paulo CTM~ Sister Lytle leaves November 15th for Salvador!*
Oi family and friends!! i cant believe i only have 2 more weeks here
in the CTM. Time is moving so fast! This week has been good. Alot of
the Americans left for the field last week and it was so sad to say
goodbye to them! They had all benn super nice and helpful since the
day my district got to the CTM. We sang and prayed together and said
our goodbyes and it was so bittersweet! My district is now the oldest
american district in the CTM which is crazy and people are asking me
for advice and expecting me to speak fluent portugeuse and let me tell
you i am not good at either of those things haha. I taught relief
society on sunday and it went better than expected. I was so nervous
but everyone participated and it was good. Portugeuse is moving along.
Im not sure if im moving along at the quite the same speed but im
trying to keep up. Splits are awesome because you have no choice but
to speak portugeuse and its nice to experience what it will be like to
have a brazilian companion in the field. So far my companions have all
been super sweet and patient but they all talk REALLY fast. Like
faster than i can talk in english and thats pretty impressive. Seeing
the new american sisters come each week is always so exciting! Its so
fun getting to know them. This week we had a huge group of 10 sisters
come! they all look pretty shocked and nervouse when they show up and
they are all probably wondering what they just got themselves into
(just like i did) One particular sister has really struggled since she
got here last week. On her first night i saw her in the bathroom and i
could tell that she had been crying. I had the strongest feeling that
i needed to talk to her and i really didnt want to because i didnt
know what to say. The feeling continued and i gathered up the courage
to talk to her. I pulled her aside and asked how her first week was
going and she just burst into tears. I put my arms around her and told
her it would be ok and that it gets better. I had a really tough first
week to so i just knew exactly how she was feeling and all i wnated to
do was help her. She said she was thinking about going home and that
she was homesick and scared. I dont even remember most of what i said
but we talked for like 30 minutes. I just continued to tell her that
it gets better and that if i could make it 5 weeks here she could too.
I told her how much prayer and fasting and asking for a blessing
helped me and how i knew it could help her too. I felt really
impressed to share John 14:27 with her because its one of my favorite
scriptures and it has given me so much comfort in tough times. Anyways
i share this story because i felt the spirit speak through me to this
sweet misisonary and it was so weird because i swear the words i said
were not my own. I have only seen the sister in passing since and i
dont know if what i said helped but it wa ssuch a testimony bulider
for me and at least shes still here. Oh yesterday in our lesson with
our fake investigator we had a cool experience. So we had a class
earlier in the day about teaching to the investigators needs and
speaking through the spirit. So Sister Hamblin and I were already to
teach Francisco about the 10 commandments and we had this awesome
lesson set up. Well we show up to his house and he is sad because his
friends wont talk to him because he is planning on getting baptized
and they think mormons are weird and strict ahha. Well in my head i
was all like what the heck francisco we have this great lesson planned
but since your sad now we have to pull a whole different lesson out of
somehwere and could you please be sad tomorrow instead?? And then i
had to stop myself and remember the class we had and how this was
totally a test to see if we could teach to his needs. So i tried to
bring the spirit back into my heart hahah and we taught him a whole
lesson about having faith in this gospel and enduring to the end. It
was really cool to see the spirit guide me and my companion on what to
say even though we were terrified and didnt have any notes. DOM DE
LINGUAS (gift of tongues) IS REAL!! It so cool to hear myslef saying
words and phrases that i didnt think i could ever remember. Anyways my
district is so funny and i laugh alot. My companion is great ans she
is a pro at memorizing anything and she pulls random scriptures out of
nowhere in the middle of our lessons. She is also super funny and is
always wondering when we can go to a mall so she can buy some makeup.
haha i dont have the heart to tell her she probably wont see a mall
for another year and a half. but things are good here in brazil. Its
hot and people really like to set off fireworks at 3 am but you know
what its ok cause im happy!! misisonary work is so cool!! This gsopel
is true and it can help us through any trial that comes our way. i
really believe that ebcause it had gotten me through every trial in my
life. I hope all is well back in america. Also ive been out 1 month
already! so 17 more months doesnt seem so bad:) love you all. TCHAU!
love sister lytle
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